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20 years on, what have we learned about global rankings?

Launched in 2003, global rankings captured the zeitgeist of accelerating globalisation and the global battle for talent and increased policy and public focus on performance, quality and accountability.

On the eve of their 20th anniversary, the Research Handbook on University Rankings: Theory, methodology, influence and impact – in 37 chapters – provides a comprehensive review and analysis of their influence and impact.

Three themes are highlighted below in this short article .

1. Geopolitical reshaping of the higher education landscape

2. The business of rankings

3. Meaningful indicators and measuring performance

All this focus on world-class excellence poses a basic question as to whether our students and graduates are better citizens and if our institutions make meaningful contributions to the well-being and sustainability of their communities.

At the end of nearly 20 years of rankings, there is little evidence that rankings make any meaningful impact on improving quality. And, there is no correlation between rising in the rankings and making a significant contribution to society or the public good.

Read the article here:

BH Associates