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News & Announcements

Commission for Tertiary Education and Research for Wales announced

The Welsh Government has announced that the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research (CTER), subject to legislation, will be established as an independent Welsh Government sponsored body by 2023. It will be responsible for overseeing the post-16 sector in Wales which includes further education (FE), higher education (HE), apprenticeships, sixth forms and Welsh Government funded research and innovation in the PCET sector. The Bill has now come before the Senedd, following an announcement on 1 November by Jeremy Miles, the Minister for Education and the Welsh language. 

The decision to establish CTER was based on a review of the governance, regulation and oversight of post-compulsory education in Wales undertaken by Ellen Hazelkorn in 2015. The report contained two primary recommendations:

  • develop an overarching vision for the PCET sector

  • establish a new arm’s-length body responsible for the oversight, strategic direction and leadership of the sector.

BH Associates